Entries for February, 2004
February 19, 2004 , 02:58 AM favoritePumpkinSeed
Um - I only found this a few minutes ago, so I can't say much about it except: The sooner you check it out, the better! Not often you get to join a pre-launch of a company with no investment at all!
I don't fuly understand it, and I don't have to! heh heh
It reminds me of the Pre-Launch period for PPLSI in Canada, how Kim Melia worked for 9 months without pay....then once the services for Canada launched, she instantly was in the top position of our company with one VERY NICE check!
"If you share a good idea long enough, it will eventually fall on good people." ~Jim Rohn
Currently Listening to: The Fastbacks's 555
Currently Reading: Paul J. Meyer's Activity
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: fortunate
Whadduya feelin?
February 27, 2004 , 08:18 PM
OK - just slipped Parts 1-3 of 5 under the professor's door. Hope I didn't miss her. I think she's a morning person. But she's a musician! Can musicians be morning people? Maybe ones that play wind instruments. (no I don't know what instrument(s) she plays)
heh heh...was just imagining the professor playing drums for an MxPx song!
1/24/2004 3:10:27 PM
heh heh. Someone just asked me "Why don't you live a normal simple life?" GOOD GRIEF NO! NO WAY!
heh heh
Every human is unique, and should find what?s unique about them, and live it up!
I'm just about finished a 5.5oz can of mixed nuts I opened a few hours ago.
lets see..."serving size 1 oz"
170x5.5 = 935 Calories...
130x5.5= 715 Fat Calories! NICE!
15x5.5= 82.5g Fat... GRRRREAT!
2.5x5.5= 13.75g Saturated
yes, it's now 3:50pm and I'm going to bed now
I hear if U eat before bed U gain weight.
Rebecca recommend I eat a pound of pasta before bed...or something like that.
I had several pasta & White Asparagus sandwiches earlier!
That's it, Theodora! I'm gonna match your 5 pounds gained! U just watch me!
heh heh. Whoda thought gaining weight could be so much fun & yet difficult!? I love it!....well the eating part.
well I gotta wake up for work in a few hours. Great talkin with y'all!
I went shopping today....while hungry.
While shopping I almost ate about 9oz of Peanuts coated with sugar & honey!
I hope all these nuts find their way out easily!
WOW - this never happened before!
I was sitting at my table, I had just fried up breakfast, and was eating my Shrimp stir fry...
I was also listening to an mp3 of an audio book by Jim Rohn talking about time management...
then WHAMO! The mp3 ended and went into the next mp3 in my playlist. I instantly got choked up and started crying a little as Sara Groves started singing the opening lines to "Help Me Be New"!
I always recognized the power behind her music but it never hit me like that before. For those who don't know, It takes something pretty powerful to make me cry. It's pretty rare that I cry. (Not counting when I cut onions or strong scallions) But I've been crying a lot more (still quite rarely) this past year as I'm letting myself be affected & grow from new experiences. Luckily, today no one was looking, so I didn't fight it. I recognized it as something to be grateful for, as it reminded me to pray. I realized the thing to do was to stop and pray on the spot. I know it wasn't the song, but the Holy Spirit using the song...and I had better think very carefully before not doing something He's leading me to do!. Praise God! =) The lyrics of the song assisted me with some of the words I'd pray.
Earlier this morning, before going to bed, I was dozin off @ the computer while reading Gwetchie's blog, and listening/viewing the Real Media of Pastor Parsley (yes that's his name) streaming over the internet, inspiring us to pray more . What a powerful reminder, Thanks Josh! I guess Parsley & Sara Groves was like a 1-2 punch for me.
Even earlier, last night, my brother & I were at Rebecca's house. Around midnight the 3 of us were on the couches talking. I now feel like I've finally participated in a true "mastermind" group as discussed in the book, "Think & Grow Rich" The synergy going on there is pretty powerful.
We had to cut it short around 1AM so my brother could get home to pack. He just left for Rolling Meadows, IL for the Advanced Pathways Seminar!
Rebecca has helped my brother and I already by getting us to attend the BASIC seminar in Newark. I'll be going to the ADVANCED soon myself. But I have to register first....which is why I'M listening to Jim Rohn! heh heh. The only reason I haven't registered for Pathways Advanced or FDU for that matter, is cuz I don't manage my time very well.....yet! Yes, it's 3:15pm on the second day of classes for the semester, and I'm still not registered!
Currently Listening to: Sara Groves's "Help Me Be New"
Currently Reading: Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: sniff - wow!
1 insights Xpresed
February 27, 2004 , 10:16 PM
I’ve been hitting the snooze bar every time my alarm rings since 10:20am!
I think I might have set a new personal record of SNOOZE whacks!!
now that's what I call "broken sleep".
2/3/2004 4:24:51 PM
4:24pm @ FDU conference room
EGAD! Last day for new registrations was Jan 30th!(5th day of classes)....4 days ago.
I just got some dude to sign my registration form...I think he has some authority needed for my last chance...which is Feb 6th "with permission".
Just attended my first 2 classes...the 1st one doesn't look too rough...the 2nd one looks nice except for one line in the syllabus "...and complete a monitored work experience of approximately 400 hours during summer recess."
That's a lot of work for 1 credit! I gotta find out more (since I came in late)...I think I might get paid for that work too....maybe. Maybe The 400 hour thing isn't mandatory for the 1 credit. Perhaps that's something simply EARNED for people who complete these 2 courses. I'll keep you uPDAted.
Both classes are Hospitality/tourism/hotel/restaurant/management courses. I have NO interest in that, BUT I like what the courses will teach, and develop in me.
So yeah, despite starting attending classes, I still haven't registered yet. Gotta hand in that form with the Tuition. Hope that works out.
Of coarse I left my wallet home today!
....not like I'm the one paying, but the check is in there.
Last night I got to eat a Broccoli Canzone @ Jeepers!!! =P YUM! I sure miss having them! Last semester, the dude stopped making spinach & broccoli calzones! Glad that stint is over!
Oh yeah, don't forget the marinara sauce cups , garlic powder & grated cheese! What's a spinach or broccoli calzone without them???
Sad news. I got 10am classes again! Monday-Friday! I like.....NEED to have that consistency of starting my day with a class the same time each day...BUT NOT 10AM!!
I was late for my 10AM classes like 92% of the time last semester... and missed like 4% of the classes...maybe more.
...and the few times I made it on time for class...several of those few was because I stayed on campus overnight. I really should dorm. That would solve 1 major problem ....well a few for me.
Gretchen, See...I'm still writing my journal! Thanks for asking! I'll post it online before the end of the month.
...............4:54pm....woah...I just fell asleep there holding my stylus & PDA.
Well I'll get back to you later...got some stuff to do now!
2/5/2004 2:13:53 PM
that was interesting
I just attended a little "Successful Gant Writing Workshop"
that I saw listed in "Inside FDU" I was one of the first there, as they were just setting up. Little by little a few people showed up in business attire....then I noticed the 20+ name tags waiting for people, and how each one showed a position of a department @ FDU.
So before I knew it I was feeling a little out of place
It turned out to be a faculty & staff meeting to learn how to request grants, and gifts fro foundations & corporations to sponsor various things throughout FDU.
It was one of those meetings, had I walked in late they'd probably say I wasn't allowed there, but since I showed up early, they just greeted me and said I could stay.
Glad I did! I took notes & learned a buncha stuff. I found this knowledge practical in a few ways besides the intended.
2/6/2004 1:16:24 PM
so I did it! I finally registered for classes! Even I doubted I could do it. I had to get 7 signatures to register since I was doing it the 2nd week of classes. One of the signatures was a permitted forgery by a secretary. Another looks like a scribble in a circle.
Since you asked, I got 14 credits:
Social Psyc, Child Development, Chinese Language through Literature, The American Congress, Career Orientation and Professional Development in the Hospitality Industry, Professional Skills Development: Work Experience Lab.
The last 2 are the classes I mentioned earlier.
I spoke with the professor about those 2 classes, and my objectives, so now I'm more confident that I picked the right classes for me. ...maybe like 77% convinced.
Understanding how I'm just doing this as an elective, she said we could think of alternative options other than the 400 hours of work, for me to get the credit. She mentioned writing a paper relevant to my future career goals....but I think I'd rather work 400 hours than write a paper!
Hey Charles! Welcome to my Tabulas!
Let's see, what else should you know?
Dad just got the Car fixed...looks almost like new.
Oh yea, for about 2 weeks now, my PDA's screen has been busted. IT SUCKS! The PDA operates perfectly, but since 2 Sundays ago, the screen doesn't display anything but possibly some lines, and sometimes not even that. Yes I've been typing in my PDA for the past 2 weeks without seeing what I'm typing. That sure increases the typos I gotta fix....or you gotta deal with.
Fortunately I can still see the display when I almost shut the PDA closed. So when I need to see something, I turn on the backlight, then crack open the PDA 2" or less. I Hope that keeps working. I either gotta get this fixed or replaced.
As far as I can tell, this is probably a result of the PDA's impact in the car accident...and the stress put on it when I was trying to re-rail it....and the few times I dropped it...and the times I threw it on my bed....and when it whacks the Toilet bowl as I sit down with it in my back pants packet.
I wish it were made like Rubbermaid®.
My courses have 10 texts assigned to them Only 3 are available in the book store.
3 I'm not sure if the professor wants us to buy them.
2 of those 3 are the ones available.
As of today I have 1 textbook!
3 I'll pick up from my public library, and 3 are in transit from Barns & Noble.com.
I've gone longer without texts in past semesters.
Apparently the bookstore under-ordered a lot of books this semester because when they get stuck with books, they loose $. So now there's a great book shortage for the students instead of surplus for the store.
I've heard fault placed on the students for purchasing their books from places besides the bookstore. Well now we don't have a choice! DUH!
2/9/2004 11:34:41 AM
Hey Nyssa! I'll catch your show once in a while! Fret not!
heh heh
Lately I find myself daydreaming more. I think it's directly associated with my writing in my Intuition Journal less. I'm not daydreaming as much as I used to...and I still appreciate daydreams...don't get me wrong. But I've daydreamed way too much over the years, and it's time I start doing stuff and living my dreams...and noting my ideas in the journal for further development later.
Making use of the daydreams.
YES, and if I'm daydreaming, that means I'm not doing my homework or business....but that means I'm possibly thinking new ideas!!!
2/10/2004 11:43:17 PM
why do I feel so rushed? Is it the hard seats and fast paced music?
I'm in a Taco Bell Right now! Very glad to be here, but I feel an odd feeling to stuff a burrito down the hatch and leave without even chewing.
relax seed! relax!
In class today it was discussed how McDonalds sells TIME...NOT food! ...how restaurants use different things to keep their customers no more than half hour. Could Taco Bell do the same?
Well it's been a long day for me.
Started it yesterday actually! Didn’t really sleep more than a few minutes last night (this morning)...well I dozed off a buncha ties in my morning & evening classes too.
More importantly, I got to be on the premiere Morning Q Radio how! Whoda thought!?!?! I was even early for my morning class!
‘The Morning Q’ show was pretty cool. It got a few things to be hammered out, and it’ll be a swell show! Well It's swell already, We Even had a listener, Howard Stern Stopped by for a few minutes, and best of all, Gwetchie gathered us munchies!!!!
THANKS AGAIN for the chocolate chunk muffin!!!!
In other news I just attended my first Political Science: The American Congress class! It seemed quite exciting whenever I managed to stay awake! I'm still a little confused how we got stuck with 435 representatives
...and I find the Electoral College system quite disturbing...but hopefully that'll get reformed when Ralph Nader gets elected! Kinda whacked how many votes are held by 4 states...and that if a slight majority of the people vote 1 way, it's as if 100% voted that way.
Honestly It’s quite depressing....till u remember that change is still possible....but ONLY from a grassroots movement....it can happen...it can happen in 2004! It's really up to us....the kids who don't vote! It really is! We've been given power to quit complaining & make a difference....spread the word!
well it's 12:06am now.
guess I'll head home.
I know I'm gonna be stopping here more often! How cool is that: for $3.16, I can get almost full! 1 bean burrito & a 7 Layer burrito!
Currently Listening to: Duran Duran's Ordinary World
Currently Reading: well it sure aint my textboox!'s =)
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling:
1 insights Xpresed
February 27, 2004 , 10:58 PM
Man these entries are really piling up in my PDA! I gotta release them more often. It's making it hard to read my blog, and this thing's getting heavy!
Howdy, Professor Quatrone! Thanks for stopping by!
ok, there's been this weird phenomenon happening lately.
When I talk with people, I feel hesitant to talk about things I've already written about in this blog...even if it's still in my PDA!! I find myself glossing over things, leaving out significant details, or not mentioning things at all...
Like They should know already, or that I'd be telling them twice, wasting their time. That wasn't supposed to happen!! Right?!?!?
I guess I feel it's as if I wrote an email to that person, they should have read it by now, or will read it very soon, and why would I repeat myself, being annoyingly redundant?
But I can't assume anyone's reading this! Even if they have in the past, or said they would! Is this the downfall of the art of conversation?
"I have nothing to say to you...I've already said it...Read it!" (?!?)
I find that scary! I'm fighting hard to be a more social person, opening up to people more, and started this BLog as part of that battle... now my weapon is turning against me???
I have to learn to trust you! Trust you to stop me if you already read what I'm saying. Trust you to skim over the blog where you already heard it.
I can trust you right?
heh heh
So is this my concern over me bothering you with too much of ME? Yeah that's gotta be a healthy outlook!
What, Am I afraid you'll get sick of me or sumthing?
Is this just my concern of keeping people visiting my blog?
I guess I really do care that you keep coming back.
Probably cuz of my own past experiences with blogs. As mentioned previously, I've stopped by a few blogs over the years, and found them for the most part interesting, but not enough to ever come back...or I'd leave with the intention to come back "some day"....only for that day not to show up for years!
So now I got one and don't want it to have the same fate as thousands of others. Hmm
Guess I take it personal! I know better than to take things personal!
No I'm not taking it personal(?)...I just feel bad when any passionate expression made by a human is not heard...or in this case read/viewed!
The book no one read.
The song no one heard
The love no one received
The toy never played with. (think Toy Story & that Rudolph cartoon)
The connection never established.
Like a love letter.....a death sentence pardon.....lost in the mail!
People say "Music is life" I was one of those people! (Smurfling0 was another...I should get in touch with her...been years since we talked!)
But that aint it.
Creating is life! Living.
But a creation is only good if IT lives!
A creation lives by changing perceptions of others!
Eh - my theory could use some revising.
I admit it's a little bit of a mish-mash, but I think U get my drift...sorta.
The human soul...unique in its ability to create. Words & art, etc...becoming an extension of that human...which can live on after they've passed over. But it in itself is lifeless until it's observed by someone else...where that original thought created is transmitted to another living human, making an impact...living on.
That's better.
heh heh heh
so yeah. the way I see it there are thousands of lifeless blogs. Just like all the books never published.
ok now I'm repeating myself.
lately I'm learning to appreciate the "other people" better. The "THEM"
For many years, I saw people as drones.
I still think there is some truth to that but that's only cuz I know few...if any people don't live life to their potential. (I guess that'd only be Jesus) Most people repress so much of themselves, disguising themselves as drones.
But regardless of that, they’re all like me. Exactly like me.
In fact I'm one of them!
Even now as I type thins, I feel like I'm lying.
But I know I'm not lying...anymore. Every one of us is exactly unique, and a living creation not needing to be stereotyped, but loved.
and appreciated.
Just for being them...not "one of them"
After all, I was just as wrongly classified! Yes, this unique Seed was, and still is classified as someone else’s "THEM"!!
YECH! I HATE THAT! I'm not one of THEM... I'M ME! I'm as unique as.....YOU!.........and THEM!
Get it?
I'm starting to.
Interestingly, this Blog goes right along with 2 opinion pieces in yesterday's Equinox by Kelly Kramer & Dorota Dolata. (Equinox Editor & SGA President respectively)
heh heh. Never noticed before how both their names have an interesting look & sound to them!
So yeah, now I'm starting to understand how God can infinitely love everyone ...and how he expects us to try to do the same.
Just starting to.
If only I could do my homework as well as I can blog!?!
oh wait -I can! =)
Currently Listening to: Pink Floyd: The Dark Side Of The Moon's Us And Them
Currently Reading: Song #2: Bad Religion's Them and Us
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: open
Whadduya feelin?
February 27, 2004 , 11:07 PM
oh cool! I just got an m&m with 2 peanuts in it! (o:
2/20/2004 5:08:40 AM
Why is it whenever I get a chance too sit & do some homework, my instinct is to type a blog entry?
Anyway this past week has been GREAT!
....except for my contribution to it.
Yes, this has been a pretty bad week as far as my doing anything right for school.
Monday-Thursday, I slept through my morning class @ home. Thursday @ 8AMish, I called up WFDQ ( I think Mike Answered) to request a wake-up-call @ 8:40am.
Come 8:30ish AM, My alarm beeped, and my PDA Chirped away!
well I assume those things happened....I wouldn't know because I WAS SLEEPING!
Well I do know one thing for sure: @ 8:42 & 8:43, WFDQ members called. Dov. Left a message on the1st try.
Thanx, Dov! Thanx, Mike! Thanks Q Morning Crew!
Oh yeah, if U want a wakeup call from the Q, be sure to call & leave a message saying so! 201-692-2103
so yeah not only have I slept through my morning classes this week, I also slept through the Q Meeting @ 4pm, and worst of all, I woke up too late to go to 1st group meting for my HRTM class! That sux! I don’t even have my group members. contact info to arrange whatever! I tried calling the department to get a message to them, but they had just left!
Yes this is my great comeback from last semester! This aint right! This is supposed to be better than last semester! Last semester was my best, and I'm not about to let that be my peak!!
oh yeah, speaking of last semester, I just got my transcript since submitting the last work for my incomplete course! I got a C!!!!!
I did get 1 good thing accomplished this week (handed in 9:20pm Wednesday instead of 2pm Tuesday): My Résumé! Part of that course is to hand in a résumé. I already had one, but I did some major revisions to it! It's pretty slammin, I must say!
2/21/2004 7:26:17 PM
So Friday was the first day this week I made it to my morning class!....one problem: I went to the wrong morning class at first!
I showed up to my Tues/Thurs class classroom ....but it had it's benefit. I saw Professor ____ teaching, and it made me grateful I didn’t get stuck with him again!
As far as my damaged Psion PDA, I finally looked up how to fix it on the internet. EGAD! I don't want to do that!
I just printed out like 50 pages, including large photos on how to disassemble the Psion, and replace the screen cable. I know I can do it, but I don't want to cuz if I screw up, I wont have a functioning PDA at all! I even watched videos of some Japanese "MASTER" dude taking one apart & putting it back together. At some parts it took "THE MASTER" a while to detach parts, so I’ll probably take 5x as long.
it's not just a matter of screwing & snapping things into place. The repair involves soldering or painting wit liquid metal. If U mess up with that, you can make a little disaster.
2/23/2004 10:54:10 AM
For the first time since 10th Grade, I was asked not to come to class If I'm gonna b late. In particular, 40 minutes late for a 55-minute class.
I'M found to be disruptive, and not expected to get much from 5-15 minutes of class anyway. I responded that I appreciate anything I can get!
Who thought of morning classes anyway? You'd think the people in the Psyc department would know better than to schedule that!
Oh well, at least I'm still allowed to come to class if I'm only 5-10 minutes late! =)
Actually in 10th grade, I wasn’t told that I wasn't allowed to come to class late. More precisely, I was told that if I ever came to class late again, I'd get an F. So for the rest of that marking period or two, I wound up plying hookie outside whenever I showed up late. Got a lot of Second hand smoke those days at DHS! So when I'd be late for the early morning class, I simply felt & looked like I was early for the standard morning 1st period class....or was it homeroom??
yesterday was cool. I stayed up about 32 hours. 32 hours of non-stop homework not getting done! Woohoo!
Also got to help setup for a Korean Opera dude to have a concert in my church! Well My Church's building. It was actually another "Church" hosting the event.
ok, for those who found that confusing, the church building my church uses, is shared with 2 other "churches"....maybe I should call them "congregations" instead?
"Cornerstone Church" does theirs in English, "Evergreen Church" does theirs in Korean, and "?????? Church" does theirs en Espanol!
I left just before midnight.
2/24/2004 8:27:18 PM
Interesting - the 5th Snickers bar doesn't seem as appealing as the first 4. That's surprising!
2/25/2004 4:14:28 PM
The week I started working on my Résumé, I started using Trésumé shampoo! Coincidence????
2/27/2004 4:28:00 PM
ooooo! That felt good!
I just Finished drumming along with most of Pearl Jam's Album, Ten
Before that I did like 5 PJ songs from my head without listening to the songs.
I Love drumming!
Too bad I don't have drums!
When I “drum” that means I sit on my bed with 2 drumsticks, and attack my bed, and pillow.
Currently Listening to: Nirvana's Beans
Currently Reading:
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: accomplished
Whadduya feelin?
February 29, 2004 , 12:26 AM
I love food!
Currently Listening to:
Currently Reading:
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling:
2 insights Xpresed