PumpkinSeed.tk ~ Where usta abounds
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Like a love without devotion, like a cloud without the rain; Like a heart without emotion, like a wound without the pain. Like a prayer without an answer, like a bird without a song; Like a hope without a future, like a night without the dawn. Without You, I am nothing; I am nothing without You; Only You can make something out of nothing; I am nothing without You. ~PAUL & RITA BALOCHE
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May 25, 2004 , 09:04 PM favorite


> I'd love to see you push yourself to be "real" with those around
> you too because, the world will be better for it!


Thank you -

yes - key phrase: "with those around you" So hard! So freakin hard! BLAH!




Gotta stop telling myself I have to wait till my parents go to Pathways till It's safe to show me.

I still don't belive it's safe.

Gotta keep a vision of the goal!!! (!!!)


..is what ~~SNIP~~ taught me.


Trying to live that. In all I do. Business, relationships, evangelizing, etc.

The other thing I wanted to share is, you may recall I consider myself an ex-Pharisee. Well I've been hearing some EXCELENT preaching lately to help me.

One of the things I heard was how too often christians try to be the message, and not the messenger of the message...the good news...Jesus!!

...try to "live a christan example". All my life I've been told what "real" christians do and don't do - how they look, and dress, and react, and talk, and pray, and sing, and raise their hands, and all this other stuff.....that doesn't make them a christian!!!!!

Talk about a foundation for being judgemental!

All my life I believed that if I just live a perfect enough life, someone will see me, be impressed, and become a christian too!!

22 years later, I still think that way! What a nice excuse for not having to talk to people about Christ! Or express love! They'll see I'm a loving person, so I don't have to express it!

GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(hmm - I think I'm being "real" now!! COOL!!)

We gotta love people - everyone - accept love: God's love...our own love....our neighbor...OURSELF!

More and more I see how everything is really TRUELY linked to LOVE or FEAR - It's becoming so real to me. I see no other logic the more I deduce things - really evaluate them.




My brother said, "I trust God." I smiled.

Monday through Wednesday that week, we had been working at our church's Vacation Bible School. The theme, and most shouted phrase (a hundred times a day or so):

TRUST GOD!!!!!!!!

Too bad it took me till March 2004 to start doing that in many areas.

I think I had a great faith in God, with very little trust. Interesting.

I still got a ways to go.

What if....

What if I copied this email to my online journal (removing confidential\personal stuff)



being open, honest, passionate, and heart-felt....in public?????


that might be....something different!



By His grace,


Currently Listening to: U2's "ONE", sung by...ME!! :sing:
Currently Reading: PumpkinSeed@Juno.com 'Sent' Folder
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: vounerable! :heart:
Whadduya feelin?


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