PumpkinSeed.tk ~ Where usta abounds
* Seed's currently feeling

Like a love without devotion, like a cloud without the rain; Like a heart without emotion, like a wound without the pain. Like a prayer without an answer, like a bird without a song; Like a hope without a future, like a night without the dawn. Without You, I am nothing; I am nothing without You; Only You can make something out of nothing; I am nothing without You. ~PAUL & RITA BALOCHE
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July 12, 2004 , 02:41 AM favorite


17% Battery Life....10 hours till I get to the charger.

17% Battery Life....10 hours till I get to the charger.

I...I don't want to look at you.

I don't want to even ...EVER hear your voice....

I dont want to know your political views
I dont want to know your physical/mental/emotional "imperfections"

...though, I would actually like to know your spiritual imperfections!

I dont want to know your your nationality
your ethnicity
your parents & siblings
your age
your marital status
if you have a boyfriend
if your a virgin

I dont want to know....what you think about me,

I dont want to know how busy you are
what your job is....unless it's your passion....or your pain.

I dont want to know your "history". I don't want to know your decisions...your mistakes...your lucky moments...and I sure don't want to know of anything "good" that you did!!

dont want to know your "bad" either - hell no! (you dont want to know mine either....right???)

I dont want to know that your hobbies...your financial status, your style of clothing, your favourite music, or book....yet.

I want to know my love is real.

I'm afraid to judge you.

I want to know you.


because when I know YOU....there's no way on earth that I could possibly judge you....and not accept you.

When I know YOU, I can't help but to love you.

I already do.

I'm afraid of anything getting in the way of that love.
the stuff
the distractions
the things so easy to like and dislike....the things I may falsly associate to mean or reflect YOU.

I sure dont want to be physically attracted to you............yet.

That's right - I dont even want to like you!!!!!!!!

If I like you...I might just idealize you...dream about you, and wish for you, and make you into this perfect.....imagination.....a fake...love.

I'd miss out on


loving you.

11% 4:44am....

you're worth it. even if my battery never charged again!




I'm afraid...

to go back.

to where I saw you as __ or __.
when I thought you ____.
when I heard you, but never listened.
when I labeled you as______.....one of THEM.
when I ignored you.
when I lusted after you.
when I thought you were one of the clones....a drone.
when I thought you didn't feel.
when I thought you didn't matter.
when I thought you were better than me
when I thought I was better than you.
when I envied you.
when I pittied you.
when I dismissed you.
when I obsessed over you.
when I couldn't get enough of what I thought was you.
when I disrespected you.
when I hated you.
when I labeled you as THE ONE....

afraid to go back to before I knew you.



I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't trust you.

I'm more sorry I still don't...


5% 5:24am

I'm sorry I was able to read your entry without letting mysself feel it. I want to.
to visit
to understand
I want to understand you, and what you felt....so that I can genuinely say "I undestand you", and you can take comfort in that reassurance that wow - someone understands me!


there's more....

I love you.

I better sign online and post this before there's no juice left.

I accept you.

i'm at my granny's house now. got sorta stranded here. but it's all good.

too good.

I respect you.

I might even get a few hours sleep.

I miss you.


signing on now. feeling surprisngly awake.

I feel you.


I see you.

adding final touches

I thank you.

Currently Listening to: Pearl Jam's "In Hiding"
Currently Reading: http://tabulas.com/~Autumn_Star/340388.html
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: like a 59
4 insights Xpresed


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Comment posted on July 14th, 2004 at 08:23 AM
geez.... :)
Comment posted on July 14th, 2004 at 09:16 PM
Comment posted on July 13th, 2004 at 07:48 AM
Comment posted on July 14th, 2004 at 12:05 AM

*.* PumpkinSeed.tk *.*
Coming out of the Dark!
(FORMERLY: "Inside the Shell")
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