With the advent of Fernando visiting NJ, and no longer working 50+hours per week, I've gotten a renewed inspiration for makin music "now", instead of "sometime soon".
What has that meant?
With the help of eBay and Craigslist, I purchased some long needed equiptment at pretty good prices!...
Professional condensor hand-held Vocal Mic (Sennheiser e865)
15' blue mic cable (MOGAMI w. NEUTRIK connectors)
Microphone Clip (Shockproof)
Yamaha Electonic Portable Grand Piano! (DGX620)
USB Audio Interface & Pre-Amp (M-Audio Fast Track Pro)
All that plugs into my great lil Acer AspireOne netbook, and we're set to record!
We had one practice session with Dov, Mic, Fernando and myself.
Then Me and Fernando had a few practice sessions on our own. Quite a few cover songs, and even some origional compositions are in the works! We'll set more time to meet up, and use the wonders of the Internet to get some recordings compiled!
During one session, Fernando played the rythm of "Box Full of Honey" on his new acoustic guitar, and I was on lead vocals and keyboard.
Since then, I really wanted to get a better cut of that song, and started working on it the other night. The resulting DEMO is now uploaded to my MySpace profile, and also available for streaming here:
I also FINALLY re-uploaded all my long lost recordings (my server went down) to this "MyBloop" service, where you can stream all of the songs!
"MyBloop" is great for straming my audio, and sharing files, but unfortunately mp3's are restricted from downloading. =(
Notes on the Demo:
1st, I did the rythm track, slappping the jeans i was wearing
2nd, I did 2 vocal takes (kept the 2nd one)
3rd, added some backup vocals
4th, took the best of 2 whistle takes, and layered them
5th, added some EQ and reverb to the rythm
6th, added a flanger to the backup vocals
7th, added some EQ to the lead vocals
It has got some noise, and some clipping but that's the beauty of mult-track recording: you can replace (over-dub) with better/cleaner takes in the future!
More to come! Enjoy!
Currently Listening to: Me!
Currently Reading: Me!
Currently Watching: Me!
Currently Feeling: creative/sleepy
Whadduya feelin?
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