Entries for January, 2006
January 14, 2006 , 04:40 PM ObservationsPumpkinSeed
You see a young dude - A dude who keeps to himself. A dude who loves to tap things, look down, and gravitate towards that piano over there.
Every word out of his mouth is out of the ordinary. And what's this "usta" thing he keeps talking about? He seems to keep busy with little tasks, not mingling much, and I rarely see him with friends, but he can't be all that bad, he's always doing little favors for people.
When he speaks in reply to questions, it's usually respectful and short.......but he always throws something odd into what he says. And it seems the more he talks, the odder things get. What's he talking about? Where's he coming from?
Never had a girlfriend, never asked a girl to dance, and what does he mean by "physically" when we ask him if he's a virgin?
He says he's nocturnal, and only works part time. What's he doing with his life? Would I want to model after this youth leader? And why does he always call us "Youph"? Huh?
He laughs and looks at us in surprise when we say we don't know Polish. What's up with this kid and his "usta"??
He's different. Different than the other youth leaders. Well, frankly, he usually acts like he's one of us, just following along with what the other leaders are saying. Does he think he's still a teenager? What is he, 24? Shouldn't he have been on a date by now? Have a full time job and stuff? Maybe he just has no confidence. I don't think he's gay.
Sometimes I catch him singing something weird I've never heard before...usually singing to himself, but then sometimes he'll sing and dance some silly song. I don't get it.
Sometimes he'll talk about emotions he's felt - but I don't know - I've never actually seen him show that he was feeling any. It's like he maintains this "can't touch this" generally positive attitude. Doesn't he ever get pissed? Depressed? Affectionate? Frustrated? All he usually talks about is whether he's feeling tired or awake.
Sometimes I feel bad, like when I see him try to lead a lesson. He gets all nervous and stutters and stuff. It's like he's really smart, but thinks he doesn't know what he's doing, so I'll admit sometimes he doesn't exactly hold our attention, and well - it's like he struggles so much to try to get it back, but he doesn't speak up like the other leaders so sometimes we'll just continue talking or whatever. I know it's wrong, but.....well I try to pay attention.
The other day I logged into MySpace and I saw he gave me a friend request. I mean I guess that's okay, but shouldn't he be bothering with friends his own age? Did you see that freaky snow cone dude he drew? And even some of the songs on his MySpace can be a little spooky at times. Andrew can seem a bit creepy with the weird things he says and does, but I don't think he has any bad intentions. Just weird.
What do you see?
Currently Listening to: Dance Mix 1997
Currently Reading: 1st Lettre to Timmy
Currently Watching: the youph
Currently Feeling: seen....externally
Whadduya feelin?