PumpkinSeed.tk ~ Where usta abounds
* Seed's currently feeling

Like a love without devotion, like a cloud without the rain; Like a heart without emotion, like a wound without the pain. Like a prayer without an answer, like a bird without a song; Like a hope without a future, like a night without the dawn. Without You, I am nothing; I am nothing without You; Only You can make something out of nothing; I am nothing without You. ~PAUL & RITA BALOCHE
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August 21, 2006 , 09:54 PM Living life :)


Been workin a lot lately at Phoenix Language Services.

I have the envy of all cubicles...

(yes, that's a "foot pedal" for my head!)

...but I don't recall reading, "Human Pacifier" as one of my job descriptions...

...but my co-workers can't be beat...

...and occasionally family stops by...

...Isn't he friggin adorable? His name is Samuel Anthony Natal-Disney. I'm sorta his uncle...

I Call him "Sammy Juice"!


¡Glora a Dios!

Currently Listening to: Paul Baloche - most of his albums
Currently Reading: S.E.C. Vs. Lucent Technologies
Currently Watching: the cutsey-wootsie
Currently Feeling: pleasantly busy =)
Whadduya feelin?


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*.* PumpkinSeed.tk *.*
Coming out of the Dark!
(FORMERLY: "Inside the Shell")
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