PumpkinSeed.tk ~ Where usta abounds
* Seed's currently feeling

Like a love without devotion, like a cloud without the rain; Like a heart without emotion, like a wound without the pain. Like a prayer without an answer, like a bird without a song; Like a hope without a future, like a night without the dawn. Without You, I am nothing; I am nothing without You; Only You can make something out of nothing; I am nothing without You. ~PAUL & RITA BALOCHE
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Entries for April, 2007

April 9, 2007 , 01:15 AM favorite inside the outside


Our Boat

<p>PumpkinSeed: i wont call you out as a sinner
PumpkinSeed: i wont point a finger at anything
PumpkinSeed: you haven't pointed at mine
PumpkinSeed: we're all in the same boat
PumpkinSeed: no matter how much i try to restrict myself
PumpkinSeed: it's no good towards my holiness or whatever
PumpkinSeed: of course i try to be the best me i can be
PumpkinSeed: it's not to appease god
PumpkinSeed: it's to live a better life
PumpkinSeed: it's to be a better husband and dad and lover
PumpkinSeed: and friend
PumpkinSeed: it's to help find PEACE for myself
PumpkinSeed: less for me to battle within
PumpkinSeed: less guilt
PumpkinSeed: less regrets
PumpkinSeed: and perhaps most of all
PumpkinSeed: it's to be useful
PumpkinSeed: for god
PumpkinSeed: it's not to appease him
PumpkinSeed: it's to serve him - to be available for his will
PumpkinSeed: to be able to help others in the boat with me
PumpkinSeed: to make it to safety
PumpkinSeed: to find true love
PumpkinSeed: if i do everything i desire - i live a life that's fun
PumpkinSeed: but i live a life distracted of my calling to reach others
PumpkinSeed: and i get lots of issues and situations to deal with from my actions
PumpkinSeed: again - keeping me distracted</p>

Currently Listening to: Brian Dokersen - Purify My Heart
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Currently Feeling: worthy =)
Whadduya feelin?


« 2007/03 · 2007/09 »

*.* PumpkinSeed.tk *.*
Coming out of the Dark!
(FORMERLY: "Inside the Shell")
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