Entries for September, 2013
September 27, 2013 , 02:27 AM Ang pag-ibigPumpkinSeed
How much I want to tell you...
How much I want you to know...
How much my soul longs for yours!
How much I Love you so!
How short the time we spend together.
How long the time apart.
We both know what shan't be severed,
Our heart knew it from the start.
With tides of doubt rising high,
With torrents of pain overwhelming,
IN CHRIST, weeping lasts but for the night,
But HIS joy comes in the morning!
My Bride, so holy, so humble, so sweet!
You meet all my cares and my needs.
For at last not two, but one, are complete!
Your husband, am I, and so proud to be! <3
Deeper, stronger and purer each moment,
Our Love grows more perfect each day.
Holding fast to the One who has made it,
I cleave to my brides and won't turn away.
Shall we let go of our greatest delight?
For today our heart filled with sorrow,
But together we'll make it with God as our light!
Goodbye? Not today, and not ever tomorrow!
I Love all you are.
I long to meet all your wants and your needs.
I delight in all that you are.
My lovely Bride made perfect just for me.
I Love YOU, Your Majesty!
I'm IN love with you!
I NEED you!
We need US!
<3 ~Honeybearses <3
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