PumpkinSeed.tk ~ Where usta abounds
* Seed's currently feeling

Like a love without devotion, like a cloud without the rain; Like a heart without emotion, like a wound without the pain. Like a prayer without an answer, like a bird without a song; Like a hope without a future, like a night without the dawn. Without You, I am nothing; I am nothing without You; Only You can make something out of nothing; I am nothing without You. ~PAUL & RITA BALOCHE
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Entries in category "Ang pag-ibig"

September 27, 2013 , 02:27 AM Ang pag-ibig


Poesy for Her Majesty

How much I want to tell you...
How much I want you to know...
How much my soul longs for yours!
How much I Love you so!

How short the time we spend together.
How long the time apart.
We both know what shan't be severed,
Our heart knew it from the start.

With tides of doubt rising high,
With torrents of pain overwhelming,
IN CHRIST, weeping lasts but for the night,
But HIS joy comes in the morning!

My Bride, so holy, so humble, so sweet!
You meet all my cares and my needs.
For at last not two, but one, are complete!
Your husband, am I, and so proud to be! <3

Deeper, stronger and purer each moment,
Our Love grows more perfect each day.
Holding fast to the One who has made it,
I cleave to my brides and won't turn away.

Shall we let go of our greatest delight?
For today our heart filled with sorrow,
But together we'll make it with God as our light!
Goodbye? Not today, and not ever tomorrow!

I Love all you are.
I long to meet all your wants and your needs.
I delight in all that you are.
My lovely Bride made perfect just for me.

I Love YOU, Your Majesty!
I'm IN love with you!
I NEED you!
We need US!

<3 ~Honeybearses <3

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Currently Listening to:
Currently Reading: Sent Box
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: <3
Whadduya feelin?


August 30, 2013 , 08:59 AM Ang pag-ibig


The irony of a plucked flower to express my love

To Her Majesty,

A gift of fading beauty for one who grows more beautiful each and every day.

A gift for a price given to my priceless gift.

Something temporal for the one I love for eternity.

Something small and shrinking representing my love immeasurable and growing.

Something plucked for someone grafted.

A wilting flower for the woman I'm growing more and more in love with each day.

I love you forever.  What gift but a gold ring could represent such love?

~Your Honeybearses

 Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses Standard

Currently Listening to: my beloved, on the phone :)
Currently Reading: Sent Box
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling: <3
Whadduya feelin?


November 26, 2005 , 02:21 AM Ang pag-ibig, Living life :)


Ripples & Tildes


a lil sumthin I made on the job (click it to enlarge)

Currently Listening to: KoRn - Falling Away From me (Ringtone)
Currently Reading: _Grow_Feel_Live_Love
Currently Watching: ThumbsPlus ;)
Currently Feeling: warm...inside
1 insights Xpresed


October 13, 2005 , 08:10 AM Ang pag-ibig


I like my pillow
sometimes I think I even love it.


Currently Listening to:
Currently Reading:
Currently Watching:
Currently Feeling:
Whadduya feelin?


October 5, 2005 , 01:03 AM Ang pag-ibig


poop happenez
interesting how just seeing a colour grips my heart..........................tightly.

Currently Listening to: 2 of 12 computers
Currently Reading: a journal
Currently Watching: a void
Currently Feeling: gripped
3 insights Xpresed


September 7, 2005 , 05:10 AM Ang pag-ibig



how just when I think I've dried up inside

one song can get my adam's apple 5x it's normal size, and the tears flow again.


of course it's not really the song, but a memory.........well more than a memory I suppose.



Currently Listening to: Live - Ghost
Currently Reading: comments
Currently Watching: with blurred vision
Currently Feeling: retro-love-eternal
Whadduya feelin?


September 5, 2005 , 11:51 PM favorite Ang pag-ibig, inside the outside


"Unsuspecting Friend" "Never Look Back"

"Unsuspecting Friend"

You are always in my heart
and I can't get you out (not that I'd want to get you out)
I don't care that you're married
'cause you're still my friend
I love you past the end.

You're always in my heart
You're always in my heart!

Never let you go
I wanted you to know
Don't be afraid
I'm not here to hurt

I've wanted you by my side
I've learned to let that go
now I'm still here

Don't be afraid
like I am

I don't want to grow cold,
even though I'm in society.

I don't want my heart to go
to it's old state of stone.

My stone breaker is gone,
but still I must stand strong

strong enougth to be weak
and vounerable,
at my core.

'cause only times of hapiness and peace
have come in my life
when I've been at my core

You were my ticket
to my inside out
and now I must live there a way
without you

At least I got the memories
I know what it's like

At least I got my mind
and some partial sanity

No, I won't leave it alone
I can't leave it alone

I can't leave myself
locked inside again

I've been let out.
I don't have you.

Just gotta live
that way all the time

I know I might get hurt.
I know it might be hard.
I know I might get left out.
I know I might get scarred.
I know I can't do it alone
But that's why you're inside me,
to guide me.

You've shown me that what's inside is real
and I'm okay
and I'm acceptable
even when I'm this wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

You helped me find myself
You found my way out.

You helped me when alone
It wasn't so hard with you there.

Felt life
from the inside

'written' orally while playin a Steel Geetar on the synth 2005-08-31


"Never Look Back"

I hope he holds you close.
I hope he holds you tight.
I hope he gives you that comfort
you found in me at night

He's more real to you than I could ever be

I don't want you ever
to seek again what you found in me, in me.

Let him be the one
to hold you forever.
Show him you're the one
who'll be there forever.

I pray he loves you more than I ever did.
I pray he finds you,
all that you've ever hid.

Never let go.
Hold on forever.

Never look back
'cuz you know I'll be there

I don't want you to see me.
Just keep flying by.

You need to be there
for the apples of your eye.

Never look back
'cuz you know I'll be there.

Hold them close.
They're waiting for you.

Give yourself,
all of you.

Never look back
'cuz you know I'll be there

Living my life without you

Never look back
'cuz you know I'll be there

Living my life with you on the inside
where I guess you belong

where your love
resides eternal,
holding me strong

Salamat, dear friend

Never look back

But always look up
for ang paig-ibig

Look up, dear friend

For that strength to go on

'written' orally while sitting quietly @ the synth, eyes shut 2005-08-31

Currently Listening to: Pumpkin Seed - 2005-08-31 - Synth Session 1
Currently Reading: MySpace
Currently Watching: in disbelief
Currently Feeling: better......exposed
8 insights Xpresed


June 28, 2005 , 01:37 PM Ang pag-ibig, inside the outside


Day 180
each day you don't hear from me is a day I've remained bottled up.

each moment I'm not crying is a moment I'm trying to fool myself.

each smile and laugh is a gift from my friends who can distract me enough to enjoy my life

each and every day you're thought of somehow in some way.

nearly each and every tear that has welled up is for you and you alone.

I want to be strong for you.

but I also want to break down and cry on you.

God, I love you, and wish you well.

Ever greatful for you

but never enough from you.

not knowing the right things to say

reverting back to the truths that stand outside of any emo feeling, whether "up" or "down":

I love you.

blinded by emos and assumptions and wishes, I pray we never loose the reality that we're friends...

Forever Friends

anything U need in life - I'm there to do my best for you! because no matter how I may feel - I won't forget that I truely love you.

I may never be yer best friend
I may never achieve to be yer parter in any area of life

but dang, I'm here for you and always wishing for you to be MY partner in SOME area.

I love you.

and yes - somehow, I still need you!

iz it merely "filling my holes" when the hole IS you?! ...when the hole was made molded as in impression of you?!

this aint a "God-shaped hole"
it aint my "personal needs" hole

it's friggin you, dear.

sumthin inside me still needs you.

and yeah - yer still there/here for me - still filling that hole

but dang it wishes you to go deeper and fill it all the way.

and of course I'm choked up again - holdin back the gusher.

yay love! :')

...and seeds of doubt remain in my mind....doubting we'll hug someday....or doubting I can be real with you in that moment we meet.....afraid for one reason or another I'll hold myself back

...hold myself back from crying...

...hold myself back from my 1 kiss.

...afraid I'll let you go without saying or showing "I love you." as much as I do.

each day, for you, I pray.

each day I pray we truely ingatz.

Currently Listening to: Wherever You Are
Currently Reading: Intuition.pwd
Currently Watching: dreams replay
Currently Feeling: emoseed
Whadduya feelin?


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