yeah - more and more I realize how I'm a big kid.......
and I'm beginign to see.....how EVERYONE is just big kids!
there's no such thing as grown-ups/adults, but rather kids who mastered certain disciplines
sure there are "old souls" - but heck - teenagers like _____ and I are old souls in a sence,
but we're also big kids
pastor ___? I see him as a big kid!
____ ________?? - he's sorta an adult
___? - no way - total big kid!....who's a workaholic!
___? - ha!
______ ______ - pfft!
aunt _____? - totally!
uncle ______ -no question!
aunt ________ - hell yeah
pastor ______?........hmm - MAYBE not - but yeah
there are the FEW balanced people who perhaps did grow inside
like...me and ___, and ______ - still big kids, but we found sumthin others haven't and..need to share those insights to peace and stability!
perhaps for some people, they peak @ maturity in their adolescents...in that they are the most true to themselves since infancy!
adolecsents, they set some...MANY philiosophies at that age
then screw the rest of their life away
is that why I feel called/burdened to them?
they're in a critical time - more than their childhood...cuz now they're making decisions and setting their OWN foundations....and need some friggin light and guideance!
"guiding light"
but I aint here to force or convince teens to nuthin
but 2 enlighten
and pray.
Currently Listening to: PumpkinSeed - Maggstore
Currently Reading: Intuition.pwd & Kath's Commentz, & norm's tabby
Currently Watching: for cool gurls @ WebDate.com :-D
Currently Feeling: okay :approve:
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<b>without either</b> a person can achieve satisfation in one or the other, but it's tempral. Only when someone's growing in both areas is when life's really cool.
that there's 2 sources of happiness.....getting to know, appreciate, and grow one's inner self - can be disturbing, but it also brings a contentment.
and then there's sumthin about being a "responsible adult" and <b>producing</b>, tho it seems superficial to folx like myself, it really brings a cool satisfaction inside.
and without either. the crappy thing is most adults seem to make adult life all about producing, and stuff/things/achievements/etc....and miss out on who they really are...who they were.....never happeh inside.
but it takes both.
growing is fun -it really is...it's when the growing stops, and someone calls themself "grown up" where life sux